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Aberdare Country Club

Eco Friendly Rating


Aberdare National Park, Kenya



Comfort Level


The Aberdare Country Club, only a two and a half hour drive northeast from Nairobi, is nestled on a slope of Mweiga Hill in the Aberdare Highlands, part of the Great Rift Valley.

This captivating site was the homestead of an English couple that decided to settle in Kenya.

Almost a half century later, their home, “The Steep”, was renamed the Aberdare Country Club and opened for guests. Considered a heritage property in Kenya, The Aberdare Country Club has retained the charm of a private home with the simple comforts of a country inn.

Aberdares safari 2021


  • Complementary WIFI
  • Outdoor Swimming Pool
  • Wheelchair accessible Rooms
  • Team building Facilities
  • Animal Sanctuary

Room Types

22 Luxury Cottages

  • Two Bedroom Cottages
  • Three Bedroomed Cottage
  • Five Bedroomed Cottage
  • Standard Suite

Set in a sprawling space of land with great landscaping you can enjoy during your stay with us. We will ensure that you feel relaxed while you are our guest. We know how much you’d appreciate to be able to unwind peacefully after a day of adventure in the National Reserve. All rooms are Cottages and have spectacular views to the North, overlooking the Solio Game Sanctuary the home of the black and white rhinos. The Aberdare Mountains to the west and Mount Kenya to the East provide a stunning backdrop to the beautiful ACC grounds.

Horse Riding

Bird Watching

Walking Safaris

Bicycle Riding

Cultural Interactions



Waterholes, Lakes and Savannahs of Kenya

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All the Animals Safari

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Discovering Kenya Safari

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Experience Aberdare Country Club

Stay at Aberdare Country Club, on this Inspirational Safari Tours

2 days
Kenya Safari

Awe Inspiring Aberdares Safari


Aberdares National Park is home to iconic accommodation that allows you stunning views of the animals of the park. Your accommodation will be nestled within the treetops of the park, overlooking a wat

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Price From $320

13 days
Kenya Safari

Discovering Kenya Safari

Aberdares Amboseli Lake Naivasha Lake Nakuru Masai Mara Olpejeta Samburu Tsavo West

This extensive Kenyan safari is perfect for families and couples in search of an active trip and a holiday of a lifetime. The ever-changing scenery, as you move from high plateaux to lowland forest an

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Price From $3,490

7 days
Kenya Safari

Mountains to Masai Mara Safari

Aberdares Lake Nakuru Masai Mara Samburu

This Kenyan safari will have your trace a route from Nairobi, up to the northern part of the country, before tracking back down Kenya and towards the iconic Masai Mara. As you traverse the landscape y

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Price From $1,640

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Our Partners and Booking Security

Africa FlashMc Tours and Travel is a member of Kenya Association of Tour Operators (KATO), membership code: No.AS/687. KATO is one of the key tourism trade associations in Kenya, representing the interests of over 400 of the most experienced professional tour operators in Kenya. As a member, our services have been checked and are bound by the Code of Conduct to provide the highest possible quality of service to their clients. The scheme is insured to guarantee your holiday safari in the unlikely event that a bonded KATO member ceases operating.


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